Saturday, January 9, 2010

first funny story

July meant Couture in Paris which meant all the "grown-ups" were away and the rest of us could take a breather-sort of. We had a very light load which was fair coming off of June which was when we put together September, the biggest bitch of the year.July also meant freelancers galore who couldn't really boss us around all that much which was also really nice. Vera Wang had come in to do a lingerie shoot with Paolo Roversi -everything went smoothly and Paolo took the  film back to Italy to edit promising to send it back before the end of the week. I knew this sounded like a really bad idea but no one was listening. Anna Wintour had just started in her position as creative something or other and was the senior-est editor around that week. Everyday Vera ,who was borrowing Jade's desk that week ,asked me to check the art dept to see if the film had come in- it kept NOT being there. Friday arrives and Anna and Vera were both in a full blown panic- I was less than thrilled to be waiting around on a Friday in July,(our "half-day" day from July 4th through Labor Day).I had missed my ride to the beach and was looking at a very long, late traffic-ridden night to get away that weekend.Anna left early, as did Vera, and just about everyone else except the true worker bees. FINALLY the art dept calls me at around 6pm saying  something had come in from Italy. I raced down the long corridor to retrieve what had to be the long awaited lingerie film . I was  handed a small, really small envelope. The film always came in legal sized envelopes with 81/2x11 inch plastic sleeves filled with rows of edited slides- they simply couldn't fit into something the size of a pack of Marlboro. I rip it open to find a cassette and a note that read," Anna, The film was shit. I hope you enjoy these beautiful Italian love songs, ciao, Paolo". That took some really big balls. I left the envelope on Anna's desk and went to the beach.

1 comment:

  1. was Anna the EIC then?? Paolo has balls for sure!!! Fun read, especially for those of us who lived it at 350!!!
